Tips to Maintain a Safe and Hydrated Skin Throughout the Winter Season

While the day becomes, even more, colder, outdoor activities will eventually get more enticing to do. This is the perfect time to go out and do winter sports and snowy adventures. Also, there are so many things you can do during this time—regardless of you like sledding with the children, enjoy a ski experience outside, sledding with your children, or snowshoeing with friends. While you may be overwhelmed with the thrill and excitement, you should never forget to remember and apply such vital steps according to the certified Frisco dermatology experts to keep your skin safe and hydrated throughout the winter season. 

Stay hydrated 

Just because you are not sweating and it is not hot outdoors, doesn’t mean that you can reduce your water intake. A hydrated body can help your skin to be kept hydrated as well. Also, if you think that soaking in a hot bath may feel would help you keep a moisturized skin, then you’re wrong. A hot and long soak will only strip your skin’s natural oils. As a result, it will only make your skin dry. Yes, you may take that hot shower, but make sure to use a good moisturizer all over your body after.   

Take Care of Your Lips 

Once the cold air will hit your lips for several hours throughout the day, you’ll eventually suffer from the consequences due to that. Usually, it can lead to having cracked and chapped lips, which hurt for sure. For that, it’s best to apply lip protection on your lips and regularly reapplies it before you try to start skiing. Make sure that it owns hydrating ingredients, such as jojoba oils, natural coconut oils, shea butter, beeswax, and vitamin E. For a bonus, you can consider having lip balms with SPF in them as your lips can be sunburned as well. 

Apply Sunscreen 

During the winter season, it’s still recommended that you apply sunscreen. Remember that windburn is considered as sunburn as well. A sunscreen with SPF 30 board-spectrum should be enough to secure your skin from UV rays. If you usually sweat, make sure to reapply after every few hours.  

Cover Up 

Though this may be quite silly, apart from the apparent reason to stay relaxed, there are 2 more major reasons why you should cover up in the cold. First of all, just because you cannot see much of the sun doesn’t mean that it isn’t present. Hence, it’s important to layer up so that you can prevent the dangerous UV rays from the sun. To effectively do that, use a cover that has wicking fabric. The last thing you want to do is to let a sweaty fabric rub against your skin throughout the day. You’ll need to prevent getting irritation from scratchy fabrics, particularly when you’re suffering from psoriasis or eczema. Moreover, inspect to ensure that you’re covered from head to toe. Nobody would want to experience frostbite after a long, fun day. 

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